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The Sand Castle Challenge - StoryTime


Inspired by: The rabbit and the tortoise
Moral: Pride hath a fall

Once upon a time John went with his family to the beach where he found a bunch of kids building sandcastle by the shore. John also tries to build one but every time he did, the sand slipped away with the waves ruining his castle. The kids who found him copying what they were doing started mocking him on his failure to build a perfect castle and challenge him to make one before they complete theirs. John did not lose his will, but his sandcastle kept getting carried away by the sea waves. At last, he builds it at some distance and protects it with rocks and bricks. This time his sandcastle was small as compared to the other kids. When they all were ready to put flags on their castles, a gust appeared and destroyed the huge sandcastle of the kids. However, John’s sandcastle remained unharmed and protected.

Pride hath a fall. The pride of other kids ruined their sandcastle, as they thought they are doing it perfectly and were careless about the precautions they could take to save their sandcastle.
Slow and steady wins the race. Even though John was slow, at least he didn’t stop and kept trying using his mind to keep his sandcastle protected.





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